Image24 Apr 2015

Presentation: Modern Methods of Protection, Waterproofing and Repair of Reinforced Concrete Structures by Applying Materials Produced by ADING and TPH Hamburg

Presentation concerning “Modern Methods of Protection, Waterproofing and Repair of Reinforced Concrete Structures by Applying Materials Produced by ADING and TPH Hamburg” was given on the 23rd of April in the premises of Russia Hotel in Skopje.

Some of the items covered by the lecture included materials and systems for repair of reinforced concrete structures, the method of application of the waterproofing system “white tub” (Weisse Wanne) (waterproof concrete structure) and the injection technology.
The presentation involved practical exercises which were carried out by the lecturers, Mr. Nikola Uzunov, BSc in Civil Engineering and Regional Manager of Ading and Mr. Mile Dimitrovski, BSc in Civil Engineering and owner of REKO Inzenering. 
If you have any questions, or require further information in this field, feel free to contact our engineers who are available at any time.
Below you can see the photos from the event: