Image9 Oct 2015

Presentation of Ading as part of the 16th International Symposium of the Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers

The 16th International Symposium of the Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers (MASE) took place in the period from 1 to 3 October 2015 in Ohrid. More than 100 papers from doctoral students and professors, engineers and representatives of design firms, contractors and supervision companies were presented on the event. The Symposium was attended by 300 participants from 12 different countries from the region and other parts of the world.

The main focus of this year’s symposium was placed on the modern methods, techniques and materials for design and execution of building structures as a pre-requisite for sustainable development.

In the context of application of modern materials and trends in structural engineering, a representative of ADING –Mr. Nikola Uzunov BSc in Civil Engineering, held a presentation on the topic “MODERN MATERIALS FOR STRUCTURAL BONDING/ DEFINITION, TESTING, PERFORMANCES AND CONFORMITY WITH THE EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 1504-4”. By presenting the hands-on experience with the application of the repair materials, as well as by analysing the European Standard EN 1504 for repair and protection of reinforced-concrete structures, our speaker made a contribution towards familiarising the participants at the Symposium with this problem area.